“Word Echoes from SANZ”: “#16 Days of Activism”

Written by on November 28, 2017

The 16 days of Activism of Non-violence Against Women And Children /
Gender-based Violence Campaign starts on November 25 , the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
until December 10, Human Rights Day.
It is an international campaign to focus global attention on the scourge of violence against women, including child and forced marriage,
domestic violence and all forms of human trafficking.
Violence against women and children undermines global peace and security,
weakens the social fabric that binds families and communities and
prevents countries from achieving social stability and economic development.
The UN, during the #16days of Activism, has called upon all governments
to join the shared responsibility to end violence against women
with the UN slogan this year:
“Leave No One Behind: End Violence Against Women and Girls”
In support of this world-wide campaign one can
wear a white ribbon – a symbol of peace –
but its more important to show support through ACTions –
our strongest weapon is our voice, truth and sincerity.
Civil societies and mainstream media need to build healthy relationships
when it comes to reporting of sensitive gender issues in the country.
“Social activist spaces have a terrible problem: they are elitist.
too often, people with resources who have a platform become the one to tell the stories of those at the margins.”
Un bodies with core gender equality and women’s empowerment missions
should be supported and made more accountable to feminist and women’s rights movements around the world.
The success of this campaign rests on our daily individual and collective actions
to safeguard our society against the cycle of abuse.
While the campaign runs only for 16 days each year, the objectives are re-enforced by a year-long programme to combat abuse –
check your local listings for supporting these campaigns.
The campaign is not limited to empowering women and children through providing survivors with support and information that can lessen the impact of violence on their lives;
but also aims to involve men in helping to eradicate violence by encouraging men and boys to talk about abuse and actively discourage abusive behaviour.
Families must stick together to create a safe environment for women & children.
Every women has the right to be safe and free from violence.
Don’t stay where you are tolerated, go where you are celebrated.
During the #16days of activism , we stand up to say NO to end violence against women.

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