“Word Echoes from SANZ”: “GROW A MO”
Written by Helewise Arends on November 1, 2017
MOVEMBER (the month formerly known as November) is here
and it’s time to grow a moustache to help raise funds &
Awareness for Men’s Health and prostate cancer in particular.
The idea for MOvember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia.
The guys behind it joked about 80s fashion and decided it was time to bring the moustache back,
in order to justify their Mo’s (Australian slang for moustache).
They used their new looks to raise money for prostate cancer research,
never dreaming that facial hair would ultimately lead to a global movement
that would get men talking about a taboo subject – their health.
A MO BRO starts Movember clean-shaven, and grows a Moustache all month long,
garnering support from friends and family in the form of donations.
A Mo Bro is a walking billboard for the cause as his new look opens the door for him
to talk about cancers affecting men – making the moustache a symbol for cancer
(much like the pink ribbon is for breast cancer).
While growing the MO is left to the guys, Mo Sistas form an important part of Movember
by recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds and attending Movember events.
Prostate Cancer Facts:
• Men are 40% more likely to die from cancer than women.
• Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men between
the ages of 15 and 35 but can occur in any male, anytime.
• Smoking is the biggest cause of cancer in the world.
• More than 4000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed every year and 2500 men will die.
All men should invest in their health by learning how to detect men’s cancers early –
by regular self-examination and having Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) blood tests.
Men from the age 15 – 40 years of age need to examine their testicles each month;
and men over the age of 50 need to go for simple screening tests each year.
Becoming a citizen of Movember by taking part in this worldwide campaign
by registering on a Movember and Cancer website;
downloading a registration form and get ready to grow a MO!
You can also get a team together in your workplace,
sporting club or friends and compete for the finest Mo
and most raise funds, which would be directed to the programmes.
HAPPY #MOVEMBER – Be Charitable